
1. drive
他害我抓狂。He ~s me crazy.
別罵她,你會害她離家出走。Don’t chide her. You’ll ~ her away.
昂貴的石油價格害許多人沒生意可做。High energy costs drove a lot of people out of business.
2. give
別害我生病。Don’t ~ me sickness.
3. got
醜聞害他在上個月遭到解職。The scandal ~ him canned last month.
4. send
黑道和非法簽賭害台灣職棒一蹶不振。Gangsters and illegal betting has sent Taiwan baseball into a tailspin.
5. put sb in jeopardy
你認為我會害他嗎? Do you think I’ll put him in jeopardy?
