【常用新聞英文語彙】學校不會教,要自己學的英文語辭disturb (vt)

【常用新聞英文語彙】學校不會教,要自己學的英文語辭disturb (vt)
1.惹。 Disturbing this old man was a big mistake. 惹這位老先生是大錯。 2.動 Don't disturb the papers on my desk. 別動我桌上的文件。 3.破壞 Pulling up all the plants will disturb t…
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con job (idiom) 瞎掰 He said again that she was not telling the truth and that the case was a “complete con job.” 他又說她沒說實話,案情全是瞎掰。 美國人一直在用,我們卻很少在教的英文。 資料來源:京文出版社…
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【對焦中英翻譯】 大家都誤譯的英文語辭 flabbergasted

【對焦中英翻譯】 大家都誤譯的英文語辭 flabbergasted
1. She was too flabbergasted to speak. 他錯愕得說不出話。 2. He was flabbergasted when he heard that his friend had been accused of murder. 聽到朋友被指控謀殺時他深感錯愕。 3. Everybo…
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【對焦中英翻譯】gain traction是甚麼意思?

【對焦中英翻譯】gain traction是甚麼意思?
gain traction是甚麼意思? 你看別人的解釋,越看越不懂,看我的解釋,一目了然: gain traction 獲得認同 His crowds were huge, and the money rolled in, but weeks went by, and he couldn’t get traction…
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【實用新聞英文成語】很簡單的英文成語,但很多人還是翻譯錯誤 he be-all and end-all

【實用新聞英文成語】很簡單的英文成語,但很多人還是翻譯錯誤 he be-all and end-all
很簡單的英文成語,但很多人還是翻譯錯誤 I do not believe that the price to the consumer is the "be-all and end-all". 我不相信對消費者來說價格是「唯一重要的事」。 資料來源:京文出版社https://www.gainwin…
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【常用新聞英文語彙】run out 與run up

【常用新聞英文語彙】run out 與run up
run out (v phr) 過期。 They spent eight months in the Ukrainian capital before his visa ran out. 他的簽證過期前他們在烏克蘭首都過了八個月。 run up (v phr) 積欠。 He ran up about $4,000 i…
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【常用新聞英文語彙】很難翻譯的英文語詞reality check有3個中文語意

 【常用新聞英文語彙】很難翻譯的英文語詞reality check有3個中文語意
reality check 1. 認清現實 My mother was right: my generation are a bunch of self-absorbed brats who need a reality check.  家母是對的:我們這世代是一 群只關心自己,需要認清現實的小屁孩。 It'…
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【常用新聞英文語彙】in one’s element 的6種語意

【常用新聞英文語彙】in one’s element 的6種語意
in one’s element (idiom) 在台灣,正確完整學到英文語辭的比率有多少? 自己可以到網路調查,看舉多少例,這裡舉多少例,相互比較即知: 1.感到悠然自得 In the grand house, as the waiters bustled about with heaping silver tr…
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【常用新聞英文語彙】AI 無法辨明英文語辭在不同語境的語意:以ordeal (n.)為例

【常用新聞英文語彙】AI 無法辨明英文語辭在不同語境的語意:以ordeal (n.)為例
ordeal (n.) 1.慘痛經驗 Though the NBA fined him $250,000, he agreed to tell NBA rookies about his ordeal. 雖然NBA對他處以二十五萬美元的罰款,他還是願意把自己的慘痛經驗告訴NBA新人。 The whole ordea…
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