【對焦中英翻譯】弄清楚black sheep以及black sheep of the family的語意

弄清楚black sheep以及black sheep of the family的語意

很多人以為這兩句話很簡單,沒甚麼困難,看看定義就懂了,偏偏,就是有人不懂,誤譯一大堆,學子無從分辨, 以為, black sheep是敗類、害群之馬,black sheep of the family 是家族中的異類,但,英文專家做這樣解釋時,又沒舉例句說明,讓人得不到正確的概念。

其實,在某一語境, black sheep 跟black sheep of the family指的都是(家中)的壞小孩,如:

1.I may be the black sheep of the family, but some of the white sheep aren't as white as they try to appear.


2.My sisters are so successful. one is a doctor, the other is an engineer but I'm the black sheep. my parents hate me sometimes because I get pretty bad grades.


black sheep必須在後面不加of the family時才有敗類的意思,如:There is a black sheep in every flock.每個行業都有敗類。

black sheep還有一個意思,就是「敗家子」,如:

My brother is a black sheep, splashing one million dollars a few months. 我弟弟是敗家子,幾個月花掉一百萬元。

所以,black sheep和black sheep of the family不盡然有相同的語意,翻譯、用英文寫作時要分清楚。

white sheep 乖小孩
He's the white sheep in a family of drug dealers.他是一個毒販家族中的乖小孩。 
