有關fence (n)的3個英文成語

有關fence (n)的英文成語

一、mend fences (idiom)
The Bush administration is mending fences with some allies opposed to the Iraq war. 布希政府正在跟一些反對出兵攻打伊拉克的盟邦修補關係。

He has taken pains to mend fences with China in his first months in office. 他上任後頭幾個月就極力與中國修復關係。

二、on the fence (idiom)
If you were on the fence even in the slightest, you shouldn’t be here at all. 如果你有絲毫的猶豫不決,你就不該來這裏。 The problem is, she’d like to get married, and I am sitting on the fence. 問題是,她想結婚,我則猶豫不決。

He seems to be sitting on the fence. 他似乎在觀望。

三、sit on the fence (idiom)
Afghans are sitting on the fence. They’re not sure who the winner is going to be. 阿富汗人採取觀望態度,因為他們不知道獲勝的會是誰。Neither option is appealing, so the central government is sitting on the fence and letting local officials make decisions. 兩個辦法都無法令人滿意,所以中央政府採取觀望態度,讓地方官員做決定。

But if Arafat sits on the fence, the militants will not change their course and Qurei will not last. The Palestinians will see for themselves that Arafat is the real obstacle to peace. 但如果阿拉法特立場曖昧,好戰份子就不會改弦更張,奎利也無法撐下去,巴勒斯坦人終將明白,阿拉法特才是和平的真正障礙。
